IdealSpot has Joined with Plotr to Further Unlock Data-Driven Real Estate Intelligence and Decisioning 🎉

Data Dictionaries

IdealSpot Location Intelligence is unique, reliable, and updated quarterly.  Our geospatial / geodata covers all U.S. trade areas: state, county, census tract, and block group.  Location-based business insight can be aggregated across any geo region using geojson boundaries or by postal codes, DMAs, voting districts, etc.

  • IdealSpot Population Demographics include core demographics and population trends at the lowest of geographic levels and with the highest precision possible with estimates through the most dependable, field-tested population counts in the industry. Over 1,500 data points are in our demographics insight including income, education, crime index, ethnicity, household income and value, mortgage risk, occupation, language, and GDP, to name a few
  • IdealSpot WorkPlace delivers the most reliable and timely counts of both businesses and employees in today’s U.S. trade areas. Workplace data is vital to understanding the working consumers and the businesses in which they are employed.
  • Consumer Demand. Nowhere else will you find this unique insight. Our consumer demand data tells you how much interest exists for what you sell, calculated from online searches and social media engagements. Use this dataset to discover new customers and where your product or service is in high demand.
  • Retail Landscape & Points of Interest. Understand the full scope of your targeted markets with insight into into the competitive landscape including business counts by category, keyword-based business searches, and the number of employees.
  • Vehicle Day-Part Counts. We track the movement of people in and out of regions through traffic counts and mobile device tracking. Our data includes vehicle, public transportation, motorcycle, bicycle, walking, and many others. Included in the $350 self-service report.
  • Mobile Device Tracking. Regarding our Mobile Device Tracking data, we provide data on where they come from before stopping at a target location (origination), and where they go after they leave a target location (destination).